types of influencers

SocialPubli Academy: Types of influencers based on their followers

No one questions that influencers are key when it comes to planning our brand and product strategy on our social networks. There is no doubt about the benefits of having relevant people in the sector or area in which we want to position ourselves. But do we really know which influencer we should hire on each occasion?

Before starting our campaign we must analyse well in which area we want to position ourselves and what will be our main objective. Once we have this clear, we must think about what type of influencer will benefit us the most.

Did you know that there are different types of influencers depending on their followers? Here are some of them: 


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Global Influencer

In this group of influencers are people who are known and followed by a large number of people. Their main characteristic is that they are idealised and very popular on social networks.

They are not usually based in a specific area, but are distinguished by their reflections or their informative nature. An example of these could be journalists or public figures in the television industry. A perfect example is the popular youtubers.

Specialist Influencers

It is a relevant person within a specific field or sector. Their followers are people who are interested in that niche market. Many of the specialist influencers are considered gurus in that area, so their influence on the audience will be very noticeable.

Their followers admire that person and pay great attention to their life, so choosing a specialist influencer to promote a product will be key.

In addition, they usually collaborate with the media and corporate events, so it won’t be difficult to recruit them for your campaign. This type of influencer could include bloggers.

Product influencer

This type of influencer is characterised by their high specialisation within a product category. They analyse in depth the technical, innovative or differentiating aspects of your products. They differ from specialist influencers in that their area is much more defined, such as motorbikes or make-up, for example.

Trending Influencer

These are people with high visibility within a category. They are usually experts and capable of creating trends and innovating within an area. They are people with great creative skills and will make your campaign much more dynamic.


Many brands do not initially consider this type of campaign, but in many cases they are the most powerful.

Unknown influencers are the actual consumers of the product, the opinion of these people has a great value, both positively and negatively, as they will give their real opinion and have a smaller and closer community that trusts them.

The good thing about this type of influencers is that as they are not well known, the rest of the consumers will not believe that they are collaborating with your brand, so their credibility is higher.

Influencer ranking according to followers

To better understand the types of influencers, it is useful to classify them according to the number of followers. Here is an updated guide:

  1. Nano-influencers (1K-10K followers):
    • They have a small but highly engaged audience. They are ideal for very specific niches and local campaigns.
  2. Micro-influencers (10K-50K followers):
    • Their audience is larger but still intimate. They have high credibility and are often very authentic in their recommendations.
  3. Mid-tier influencers (50K-500Kfollowers):
    • They offer a balance between reach and engagement. They are a good option for brands looking to expand their visibility without losing authenticity.
  4. Macro-influencers (500K-1M followers):
    • They have a significant reach and are known in their sector. They are effective for large-scale campaigns.
  5. Mega-influencers (más de 1M followers):
    • Celebrities and public figures with a massive reach. Ideal for global and big budget campaigns.


Now that you know the different types of influencers by followers, you can determine which one best suits your strategy and bet on them for your campaign. Remember to always evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of social media before making a decision.

Update your influencer marketing strategy by considering these categories and choose the influencer that best aligns with your brand’s goals and values.

Also read: UGC

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