tiktok view history

TikTok view history: How to view your watch history | SocialPubli

TikTok is a platform that is constantly growing and becoming more and more important. Anybody with a TikTok account can create content that includes dances, challenges, music, special effects and filters. The point is to create videos that other people are interested in or feel related to so they stop scrolling and pay attention, this way it is most likely to go viral. The TikTok for you page is the most popular page on TikTok and that’s where users discover new content and new trends everyday thanks to the TikTok algorithm. This is the page that pops up once you open the app and users can spend hours on end on it. If you want to know how to TikTok view History keep reading, and remember you can always find some of the best Tiktok Influencers in influencer marketing agencies such as SocialPubli.

One thing that was missing on this app was that you could not find videos that you’ve watched before in a user-friendly way and that’s something users needed. There are times when we refresh the TikTok feed accidentally while watching a video and the video is gone and you have a new set of videos running on the page. Since the TikTok algorithm is that good, it would not show you the same video twice. So before, users could not find the videos they had been watching but that’s history. Now, there’s a “Watch History” menu which will allow users to see videos they’ve viewed in the past seven days.

In this guide we will show how to view TikTok History within the Tik Tok app:

Step 1:

On your Tiktok profile, tap the three horizontal lines in the top-right corner of the screen.

Step 2:

Tap “Setting and privacy”

Step 3:

Under the “Content & Activity” section, tap “Watch history.”

Following these steps will take you to a screen where you can see all of the videos you’ve watched in the past seven days.Also, in case you are a Tiktok influencer or want to become one, here’s how many followers you need on TikTok to get paid and you can find the best influencers on influencer agency such as Socialpubli.

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