Social Networks Campaigns

Unboxing videos have become one of the most attractive ways for brands to promote their products. Obviously, influencers are the best channel for this type of marketing strategy. You can launch these video campaigns on YouTube, which has established itself as the best platform for unboxing videos with influencers. Unboxing videos

Having Influencers in your social media campaigns has become a key factor for nearly every brand. Thanks to this marketing strategy, your business can better reach your target audience in a much more natural and personal way than with traditional advertising. But do you know how an Influencer Agency works?  We

That Influencer Marketing is an effective strategy and that all companies should include it in their marketing plan is already a proven fact, which many of our clients at SocialPubli can confirm. It’s already become routine to enter social media networks and see how content creators are collaborating with brands, but generally with the

Excellent news on March for SocialPubli, since we have gained access to the Instagram posts statistics that are part of the campaigns we carry out through our platform.  Which statistics do we offer in SocialPubli? At SocialPubli we always try to choose the best influencers to carry out the campaigns we are