Working with micro influencers: that's how you'll succeed

How to work with micro influencers to succeed in your campaigns

At SocialPubli we are experts in working with micro influencers. We know their needs and wants. Our years of experience has shown us how to successfully collaborate with them. Saying so, we will give you every tip and trick to bring the most out of your campaigns

Similar values

According to the SocialPubli Influencers Study, published at the end of 2019, 70.9% of the influencers consider that the values of the brand are aligned with theirs and those of their audience.

This is even more important in the case of micro influencers. By having greater engagement with users, it is important that the products they show, even belonging to a campaign, are related to their interests. This is important as the campaign will gain credibility if the influencer is somewhat related to the product promoted. Additionally, it is also not recommended to work with an influencer who has collaborated with our competitors in the past.

In this line, we find another factor that influencers take into consideration when accepting a collaboration. 45.1% make sure the brand they are promoting is actually a brand they would use themselves. 

This is best understood with an example. Imagine that a makeup influencer has made several make-up tutorials in which he has shown certain products of a brand, because they are really the ones he uses on a day-to-day basis. And after two months, the brand contacts you for a collaboration. As she already showed those products in the past, her followers will not understand it as a product promotion, but as a sincere and reliable recommendation.

In addition to these two factors, 58.2% of the micro influencers surveyed make sure their brand promoted will interest their audience. Here they think so much about brands, so that campaigns are effective; as in the followers, so as not to offer them content that is not interesting to them.

Economic compensation

Since many influencers live based on compensations, fair and competitive compensation is important for 51.8% of respondents. Saying so, we must know very well the rates of micro influencers. It is important to not fall short or budget over.

Therefore, at this point, we recommend trusting the SocialPubli team. Five years of experience in campaigns with these profiles have made us perfectly master their rates and we already know how to compensate them in a fair and competitive way.

Long term collaborations

Another of the determining factors when working with brands is that the collaboration extends over time. 48.5% of respondents prefer long-term collaboration. This is why it is important to wisely choose your brand ambassadors. Thus, your message will have a higher chance of being engaged.

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