
Storytelling: the art of telling a story

Art can be defined as any creative situation, aesthetics or communicative with emotional purposes.

This is what we hope to achieve, since storytelling is an art form. With storytelling, we hope to tell stories in a magical way and connect with our users, seeking their empathy and transporting them to another world which the story defines.

This concept has existed since antiquity. Stories and experiences were told in cave paintings, the songs of minstrels, and the epic stories of times past. Up to our own more recent generations, from grandparent to grandchild, from parent to child… they all carried you away to live in another totally different world.

When applied in the world of marketing, storytelling has become very important. Because connecting and standing out above all the other brands, and creating a union with the public, can be difficult to achieve but very powerful.

And, what is your story?

We have to make our potential clients fall in love with our message. We have to be the Carlos Sobera of the digital world and connect brands with people.

We can adapt to the digital world. We have to know a lot about our users in order to have an impact on them. And, above all, know that what we tell them will generate their trust.

A good example of storytelling is “The Lego Story”, which uses animation to tell the story of their current success, starting from their inception. They tell us how they implemented the values of quality and perfection in their product, and that children are the most important for building a world without limits using imagination.


So now you know,- begin telling stories in order to reach people’s hearts in the most creative way possible. Besites this, some Instagram Stories apps can hep you to create even more visual and attractive stories for your followers.

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