Tiktok for adults

TikTok for adults: We tell you what it consists of| SocialPubli

We tell you all about TikTok for Adults, what it is and what the new feature of the popular social network is about. Discover it now to be up to date!

It goes without saying that TikTok is the social network of the moment, its short video format has captured young people and adults and now brands that also want their space on this platform, because it promises to be the Google of generation Z .

However, the impact has been such that TikTok is seeking restrictive measures to control content and maintain the safety of users, especially minors. Therefore, from November 27, 2022, the TikTok version for Adults will be available to users.

According to a report published by TikTok itself, its ad platform has a potential reach of 1,023 million users over the age of 18. It also states that the ads reach 18.3% of the world’s population.

Here’s what you should know about TikTok’s new Adult feature:

  • TikTok is introducing an option in its application that allows you to restrict live videos.
  • The objective is to keep the community of young people and adolescents safe, so the age limit for this function will be from 18 years of age.
  • The new policy will take effect on November 23.
  • Eligible users with at least 1,000 followers can start streaming and use the monetization features.
  • The Chinese social network will enable direct for adults, where transmissions will be made on sensitive topics, not suitable for minors.

Through a statement, the Chinese social network has stated that “we want our community to take full advantage of the opportunities that LIVE can provide without compromising security.”

“We believe that these industry-leading updates can further protect the youngest members of our community as they start and build their online presence,” TikTok says in this same writing.

We recommend you read: How many followers do you need on TikTok to get paid?

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