How to optimize your Instagram’s profile

How to optimize your instagram profile

Social networks have become one of the most effective ways to earn money. They are for many people around the world their business, and their everyday life. Social network effectiveness has been proven, and if there is a social network that reigns in the influencer world it is Instagram. That is why in this blog […]

The statistics of your Instagram posts campaigns, now available in SocialPubli

The statistics of your Instagram posts campaigns, now available in SocialPubli

Excellent news on March for SocialPubli, since we have gained access to the Instagram posts statistics that are part of the campaigns we carry out through our platform.  Which statistics do we offer in SocialPubli? At SocialPubli we always try to choose the best influencers to carry out the campaigns we are developing with brands. […]

These are the new features of our social networks in 2020

These are the new features of our social networks in 2020

It’s clear that 2019 was the year of TikTok and its expansion and in 2020, we are awaiting all the novelties that this social network may bring. However, our lifelong social networks continue to look for new features and updates to improve our experience. Stories, Stories everywhere Instagram was the first to understand the success […]

Instagram Shopping: How to buy on Instagram

instagram shopping

Instagram Shopping is an Instagram tool that serves stores and brands to label their products in the images they publish in the feed. Using this tool is very simple since it has the same function as when tagging people in photographs. With this new functionality companies can choose a photo and label up to 5 […]

What are NanoInfluencers?

DETALLES DE ADJUNTOS  nanoinfluencers.jpg 5 diciembre, 2018 68 KB 750 × 500 Editar imagen Borrar permanentemente URL Título

What are NanoInfluencers? We’ve been talking for a long time about microinfluencers and how great they are, but lately there’s a distinction within them, the nanoinfluencers, with less than 1,000 followers. Do we see how they can help in an influencer marketing strategy? Who are nanoinfluencers? Nanoinfluencers are normal people with a follower base of […]

8 Instagram algorithm myths to forget

8 Instagram algorithm myths to forget Like the existence of crocodiles in New York, there are Instagram myths that have accompanied us for a long time, limiting our strategies and scope. It is time to say enough and send these myths to oblivion! 1 – You can buy followers at Instagram Power, you can, but […]

Six Creative Ways to Use GIFs in Instagram Stories

Do you already use Instagram GIFs in your Stories?  Probably you do, but are you really taking advantage of their full potential? Today we’re going to review some creative ways to incorporate GIFs into your Stories and really give them that extra special something. And if you haven’t yet used GIFs in Instagram, they appear […]

7 Ideas To Turn Your Instagram Feed Into Art

instagram grid

Today we’ve compiled several Instagram profiles to inspire you. There’s nothing like people being amazed by the visual effects when they go into your profile. If you make an impression, and also tell your story, they’ll click on the little FOLLOW button.  So let’s get started and you’ll have a feed worthy of a museum […]

Instagram news: connection times and notification of screenshots

hora de conexion instagram

Instagram never stops adding new features to its application. As we already told you a few weeks ago, Instagram has been planning to introduce screenshot notifications and notifications of the last connection time.  Both functions are controversial because they diminish the privacy of the user. So let’s look at the latest news from Instagram! Last […]