Social Network Trends 2023.

The 7 Social Network trends for 2023

Social networks have gone from being a simple means of communication to become essential platforms in the business world. We tell you what are the trends in Social network that you should take into account to make the most of their potential this 2023.

1- Tiktok, the new search engine par excellence

It started out as a social network for short videos for the youngest, but TikTok has given the surprise of becoming the new search engine and a key tool for marketing. Its advertising growth during 2022 has been exponential and it continues to make changes to be the advertising benchmark, above Instagram, Facebook and YouTube. In 2022, the platform, already known for its innovations, launched at least 6 features based on other social media channels:

  • February 2022: 10-minute videos (YouTube competitor)
  • March 2022: Internal Search Ads (Similar to Google Search Ads)
  • July 2022: TikTok Stories (to match IG Stories)
  • September 2022: TikTok Now (BeReal’s clear competitor)
  • October 2022: Photo Mode (Photogallery Competition)
  • October 2022: TikTok Music (Similar to Spotify; barely previewed)

In this way, TikTok will continue to be a trending social network in 2023 as its growth is at a rapid pace and innovation is in its DNA.

Start 2023 making campaigns on TikTok with influencers!


2-Trends in Social Network: BeReal, at a safe pace

And we continue with the trends in social network 2023 Be careful with BeReal!, which may surprise you by becoming one of the favorites. Faced with an avalanche of social networks where edited photos and videos are uploaded and with many filters, BeReal wants to lead us to something more real, closer and less idealized. BeReal defines itself as a “spontaneous and unpredictable” application that reflects “the here and now of the photo”. It is currently available for both Android and iOS for free.

It should be remembered that BeReal was launched at the end of 2019, but its popularity began in mid-2022. According to the latest statistics, it is the second social networking application on the App Store in the United States and has been installed about 29.5 million times. Regarding its target, it tends to be mostly women under 25 years of age and apparently it will be another of the trending social networks this new year.

3-La Gen Z prefers users-generated content

Because it gives a feeling of trust and closeness, young people prefer content generated by the users themselves, than perhaps content or publication made by a brand. For this reason, more and more content generators and influencers from very specific niches niches have emerged who talk about products or services with which they have had a good experience.

The content generator is excellent for brands interested in reaching a very specific segment. It also helps to increase brand awareness and know more about your customers. In addition, they are a fundamental channel for creating loyalty strategies.

According to a Hootsuite study, in 2023 companies will continue to seek the help of influencers in social networks to reach their ideal audience, therefore, this type of strategy will also reinforce trends in influencer marketing.

Hootsuite’s Trends in social network 2023 survey found that 42% of businesses with 1,000+ employees work with influencers, compared to just 28% of small businesses (fewer than 100 employees).

Read also: Why do brands bet on influencer Marketing?

4.Reels, a trending format on Social Network

And despite the fact that TikTok has brought out all its artillery to fight Instagram, the truth is that it is a battle where there is no clear winner, for this reason, Instagram reels continue to be the preferred format for brands, but why?

Because Instagram currently has 1.5 billion daily active users. Reels grew 220 million users between July and October 2022. Additionally, 62% of Instagram users say they use the platform to research brands and products.

Reels is a tool within Instagram itself that allows us to upload several clips of 15, 30, 60 or 90 seconds of video, with effects or with tools and filters.

In fact, now all Instagram videos are Reels, and these are prioritized in the recommendation algorithm, enough reason for Marketing experts to conclude that this format is the best way to reach new users on this platform, which will continue to be one of the trending social networks.

5- LinkedIn changes focus and comes with everything in 2023

Since its inception we have seen LinkedIn as a social network with a serious and professional nature, but the truth is that little by little it has taken another direction and approach.

Content on health, emotional well-being, physical exercise and inspirational phrases are increasingly invading the feed of LinkedIn users, making it much more personal. But what is happening?

It happens that the platform where we would normally publish this type of content more than everyday life is going through its worst moment. Yes, we mean Facebook, Meta’s social network. While this space and audience has been taken advantage of by LinkedIn, which coincidentally is experiencing better engagement rates and user growth.

It also has to do with the high saturation in social networks such as Instagram and TikTok, causing the elderly to migrate to LinkedIn, a social network where the waters run more calmly. And in this way, LinkedIn will continue to make changes to its algorithms to favor the variety of content and continue to be trends in social networks.

So, dare to change your publishing strategy and include posts without links, share native articles, surveys, posts with words of encouragement and a joke or a short personal anecdote, this sure works!

Did you ever try to make campaigns in LinkedIn with Influencers?

6. Social SEO will replace hashtags

Normally we invest time in filling the copies of our publications on social networks with hashtags, but the truth is that in 2023 the trend that works best will be the search for keywords to position ourselves.

According to research by Google, 40% of people between the ages of 18 and 24 use social networks as their main search engine. In fact, in September 2022, the New York Times proclaimed that “TikTok is the new search engine for Gen Z”.

So what can we do to optimize our content on social networks? It is time to include keyword research in the social strategy. Instead of listing all the hashtags in a copy, we can see what the keywords are to create valuable content that people are already searching for and thus ride the wave.

According to Brayden Cohen, Hootsuite’s head of social media marketing: “Google search will never go away. But people’s habits are changing. People are using social networks to search for new products. Before, I think people only went to social networks to see reviews or learn about a brand, but now they go as is to buy… From my perspective, that is the main change. I now treat our profiles as if they were a small landing page or website. I try to use our social channels as the main point of purchase.”

7- E-commerce will also be one of the  trends in Social Networks

Although up to now users remain somewhat skeptical when making purchases directly on social networks, the truth is that trade on these platforms will grow until consumer confidence is fully strengthened.

In 2021, commerce on social networks was one of the great trends. As sales topped $350 billion in China, marketers in North America and Europe also looked for ways to position themselves to take advantage of this new way to make money.

However, many networks have rolled back some of their shopping features, such as:

  • Meta canceled its live trading feature on Facebook
  • Instagram canceled its option to tag affiliate products
  • Instagram also removed its Shop tab (in some regions)
  • TikTok delayed the launch of its live shopping in Europe and the US after a failed attempt in the UK

However, and despite the fact that these social networks have had to recoil with these new features, eMarketer data anticipates that commerce on social networks will continue to grow and although the growth of new buyers has decreased since the pandemic, by the end of 2022, existing consumers will have spent $110 more on social media purchases than in 2021, with the largest growth in shoppers coming from TikTok.

This suggests that despite the trust issues, audiences are starting to get used to seeing social media as a shopping channel and are using it more than ever. This will also be an opportunity for the influencer marketing sector whose strategies are focused on these platforms.

These were the trends in Social Network for 2023!


This 2023 we help you create your social media strategy with influencers!



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