publicidad en instagram

Keys to avoid boring your audiences on Instagram

Making extra money by posting ads on Instagram is the primary motivation of micro-influencers. In many cases, the more important goal is to make sure the influencer’s profile doesn’t turn...

campañas instagram

If you’re planning to start an ad campaign on social media using influencers as the spokespersons for your brand, it’s important to keep in mind some of the important tips...

El poder de los microinfluencers

Today it is extremely common for brands to include some kind of influencer activity as part of their social media marketing strategy. So, what happens when it is time to...


Your favorite Instagrammers all lead different lives. One publishes their luxury trips and shows hotels with extravagant showers. Another, on the other hand, travels with a caravan and stays at...

Inteligencia colaborativa

Collaborative intelligence developed in the digital environment, without any physical limitations and giving everyone a voice. Users act autonomously, contributing their ideas and individual experiences in order to create something...


How was your summer? Great? We hope so, and we hope you returned from the beach sun-tanned and relaxed. For sure you didn’t disconnect from your social media networks so...

anuncios locales

In this era of “over” information, we get lost in the constant barrage of campaigns and virals which hit us from all sides. Therefore, we wanted to breathe for a...


Art can be defined as any creative situation, aesthetics or communicative with emotional purposes. This is what we hope to achieve, since storytelling is an art form. With storytelling, we...


Clickbait is considered to be false advertising and bad. But, what if we were to use it with care? What if we used it properly, like a true English gentleman...


Our lives would be a little less exciting without all the entertainment that memes and viral posts have given us. The Internet (and its users) never cease to surprise us...