Some challenges are for charity, like the Ice Bucket Challenge, others are for fun, like the What The Fluff Challenge, and others are so unusual that our ancestors would not...

Influencer marketing is something that most brands include in their strategies. Some use influencers at specific moments for launches or events and other marketing strategies, like Daniel Wellington, are built...

It’s happened to all of us. You were gossiping about the profile of your ex and your finger accidentally touched the little heart in a photo on the beach in...

What does Tinder have to do with Influencer Marketing? More than you think … just use a little imagination. First, it has replaced other traditional media, and often ends up...

It’s just like the name says: “Twitch plays”’. Twitch users, collectively, play these games that are being broadcast on Twitch’s live stream. It all started with “Twitch Plays Pokémon”, a...

With 400 million active users per month, Instagram Stories have become the protagonists of influencer marketing. Do you want to see how this went in our first campaigns? Instagram Stories...

Currently, if you are a brand and want to become better known, what is the key to increase your sales, create awareness, strengthen brand image, increase commitment and engagement? Everyone...

Although for now we do not plan to enter the Asian market, it’s always interesting to see how influencer marketing works in other countries, such as China. It seems that...

To verify your Instagram account, you need to be one of the lucky ones who have this request icon available on their panel. Until very recently, Instagram was in charge...

To be trending topic you need good content, influencers that make your message take off, and a bit of luck. In this article we are going to help you get...